According to DeFilama platform data, as of March 22, USDe supply fell below 5.40 billion pieces, reaching 5.389 billion pieces, a decline of 1.3% in the past 7 days.
According to Ethena's official statement, Germany's BaFin has informed its Frankfurt-based entity Ethena GmbH that the MiCAR compliance application will not be approved, but the decision does not affect the current listing of USDe on the exchange and the casting and redemption services through British Virgin Islands entity Ethena (BVI) Limited. Ethena stressed that USDe is still fully asset-backed and has not been "frozen". Other regulatory paths will be evaluated in the future, and the relevant...
据Ethena官方声明,德国BaFin已通知其位于法兰克福的实体Ethena GmbH的MiCAR合规申请将不被批准,但该决定不影响USDe当前交易所上市及通过英属维京群岛实体Ethena (BVI) Limited的铸造与赎回服务。 Ethena强调,USDe仍为全额资产支持,不存在被“冻结”情况。未来将评估其他监管路径,并将在未来一周内修订相关服务条款以反映当前变化。该事件不影响大多数用户的正常使用流程。
According to BaFin's official website announcement, the German financial regulator BaFin has suspended Ethena GmbH's new business of issuing USDe stablecoins in Germany, citing significant organizational deficiencies and compliance violations in the MiCAR licensing process, including improper management of asset reserves and failure to meet capital base requirements. BaFin has taken the following measures: freezing Ethena GmbH's asset reserves, restricting management's right to dispose of assets...
据BaFin官网公告,德国金融监管局BaFin已叫停Ethena GmbH在德国发行USDe稳定币的新业务,理由是其在MiCAR许可流程中存在重大组织缺陷和合规违规行为,包括资产储备管理不当与资本金要求未达标。 BaFin已采取如下措施:冻结Ethena GmbH的资产储备、限制管理层对资产的处置权、关闭其官网相关功能、并指派专员监督执行。此外,BaFin还怀疑Ethena G...
Etherscan数据显示,由Ethena Labs发行的稳定币USDe供应量突破54亿枚,当前约为5,460,625,584枚,持有者为20,792名,转账笔数达985,152。
According to Initia's social media disclosure, Ethena announced a strategic partnership with blockchain network Initia, and its stablecoin USDe will be integrated into the Initia ecosystem. The partnership involves three main aspects: first, an incentivized INIT-sUSDe native liquidity pair will be established, providing Ethena rewards, INIT pledge rewards, and exchange fees for liquidity locations; second, Ethena will provide rewards for Initia ecosystem applications that use its assets as core...
据 Initia 社交媒体披露,Ethena 宣布与区块链网络 Initia 建立战略合作,其稳定币 USDe 将接入 Initia 生态。 此次合作包含三个主要方面:一是将建立激励性的 INIT-sUSDe 原生流动性对,提供 Ethena 奖励、INIT 质押奖励以及流动性位置的交换费用;二是 Ethena 将为使用其资产作为核心组件的 Initia 生态系统应用提供奖励,包括 Cabal、Echelon 和 Rave 等全栈应用;三是 Ethena 将投资 Initia 生...
3月3日消息,据 Dune 数据,Ethena 稳定币 USDe 于 3 月 1 日经历了有史以来最大单日赎回,总额达 2.68 亿美元,使 USDe 流通总量下降约 4.7%。 数据显示,此次赎回活动主要由两个大户推动:地址 0x59 赎回了约 1.8 亿枚 USDe,而 Sky 赎回了约 7000 万枚 USDe。
2月24日消息,Pendle正式上线eUSDe(Ethereal的DEX稳定币),作为其Season Zero计划的一部分。用户现在可以通过提供流动性,在Pendle的eUSDe池中赚取提升的奖励。Season Zero是Ethereal的预存款活动,一个基于Ethena Network的现货和永续DEX。通过存入USDe(以太坊上的USDe),你将收到eUSDe收据代币,这将使你在获取USDe的基础上,还能获得Ethereal Point。
According to PeckShield monitoring, after the sUSDe price fell to $1.14, 11.79 million sUSDe at addresses starting with 0x438 were liquidated.
据 PeckShield 监测,在 sUSDe 价格下跌至 1.14 美元后,0x438 开头地址的 1179 万枚 sUSDe 遭到清算。
Etherscan data shows that the supply of stablecoin USDe issued by EthenaLabs is close to the 6 billion mark, currently around 5,960,391,346, with 18,945 holders and 849,153 transfers.